Sunday, September 25, 2016

dear children series//part ii

Dear Darcy,

My wild one. We just thought parenting was hard. Then you came along. From the very day you were born, it was so much harder. My epidural never worked with you. Addie and Porter? They were a breeze... But with you, I got 2 epidurals, but nope. Neither one worked. I was tired and overworked the moment you came into this place. And I don't know if you've let me rest much since. You do enjoy your sleep, which is very odd for your personality, but all the waking moments are filled with life!
And you are so beautiful. Your big brown and eyes and golden brown skin--you capture our hearts every day. Your grin. And you know exactly how to push our buttons, and oh, do you enjoy it!
You currently wish to be a "softball player" when you grow up because you want to do everything Addie does. So we will sign you up to play t-ball this spring. I can't wait. You love Doc McStuffins, braids in your hair, dresses that twirl, and you tell everyone you meet about your puppies Shep and Rex. School is a blast for you but you already hate homework (figures). You hate being called a "baby", but you'll tell us you're the baby anytime you need some attention. You've also probably ridden your stick horse around the house 362,456 times so far and I don't think you'll quit any time soon.
Darcy, always be you and please don't change. Your free-spirited, headstrong, singin' all day, self. We love all your songs and your sweet spirit.

We love you "so ever".

Mommy <3

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

dear children series//part I

Dear Addie,

You're beautiful. You're kind, and you're loving. You really have the sweetest, most selfless soul I've ever seen in a child. And you're already 6 and a half years old! I cannot even fathom how fast {entirely too fast}you are growing.
You are already in the first grade?! I have a confession: I have taught first grade for 5 years and in my mind, it's always been the "big kid" checkpoint. The time past the little kindergarten baby days; the point in which real subjects begin and nap mats get stuffed in closets. It's a point in which children like you are gradually prompted to grow up.
But wait. One thing I refuse to do is let you grow up too fast.

Please do some things for me:

Please keep taking your baby dolls to church. Even on those mornings when your dad and I are scrambling around trying to get everyone out the door before the sermon starts, please keep insisting that your baby needs to go too. And when you get your baby to the car, keep buckling it in like you do.

Keep imagining that you're a contestant on Chopped Jr. and please keep letting me try your recipes you make in your pretend kitchen.

Please keep giving me kisses, hugs, and I love yous even in front of all your friends before you walk to your classroom every morning. I cringe when I think about the day you become too embarrassed to do that.

And keep on making things. Drawing pictures. Doodling, Cutting. Gluing. Crafting. Making potholders for everyone under the sun. Playing on your car table. In your dollhouse. Pretending you're Darcy's teacher.

Your spirit is like no other and your personality is uplifting to everyone you meet.

Addie Lee, you are SO loved. And I love you more than you'll ever know.

Friday, January 8, 2016

2015 Wrap Up


Brandon and I both agree that this year was the best year ever--hands down. SO many blessings were sent our way this past year.

  • All five of us were healthy as a horse at all of our check-ups!
  • Brandon QUIT DIPPING tobacco May 7th!
  • Porter was born May 30th! My sweet baby boy!
  • Darcy became a big sister the same day P-man was born. Haha! She wasn't thrilled about that, but we are!
  • Addie Kate was SAVED and BAPTIZED in July. What a HUGE moment.
See what I mean? Awesome. 

I am so blessed. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

old baker's

Y'all! My favorite. Football, crisp weather, hoodies, fires, apple cider, boots, my BIRTHDAY!

Also, there's the yearly pumpkin patch trip. This is something I never did as a kid so I'm excited like a little kid every year when October rolls around. It has become a family tradition. This year we went with some church fam and had a blast! There wasn't a dull moment, that's for sure.

Darcy loved the chickens... Addie, not so much. She was scared of them. 

This is how you have to carry a Darcy.

The corn maze, wagon ride, pumpkin picking, fresh-squeezed lemonade, and tractor tricycle toys. SO. MUCH. FUN.
I hope my kiddos are making memories that will last forever. <3

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Yesterday we were so happy to host a Labor Day BBQ at our house for our church family... We had a really awesome time eating, playing volleyball, hanging out together, eating some more... ;)

We decided to have a volleyball tournament. Brandon loves volleyball and he took the volleyball match seriously. He painted lines on the ground just like a real court, and even transplanted two bushes that were in the way. Serious.

The kids played on the water slide and with sidewalk chalk. It was such a great time!!

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. -Hebrews 10:24

PS--Check out our super cute Mt. Zion Mommas tees! Love these ladies! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Porter is 2 Months


You are 2 months old. You are the sweetest thing, too. Already sleeping through the night! We hit the jackpot (again). At your 2 month check-up you were 12 pounds and 24 inches long. You drink 6 ounce bottles and burp really loud. You must get that from your Dad!
Your sisters absolutely adore you and so do I.

Love, Mommy

Saturday, August 8, 2015

washed in the water

A few weeks ago, while driving down the road, Addie told us to turn the radio down. We did, and she informed us that she needed to go get baptized. Brandon and I looked at each other, and I spoke up and asked her why she thought she needed to be baptized. She told us that she asked Jesus to live in her heart. Brandon and I wanted to make sure she understood how profound of a statement she was making, so we asked her if she knew what that meant. She told us, very clearly, that she was a sinner and He died on the cross to save her. Wow. Later that night, Brandon and I discussed it with each other. We weren't sure if she really understood, even though she told us very clearly and with understanding. After reading from the book of Matthew, it became very clear to me that this denial placed in my mind was definitely a ploy from the enemy. Because Matthew 19:14 says, "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

I read that verse again. And again. It was so clear. Like crystal.

You see, that verse says "JESUS SAID". Jesus Himself said it. THE ONE WHO SAVES. THE ONE WHO SHE CLAIMED AS HER SAVIOR.
He said to let them come. The little children. And my Addie is just that--a little child. And that's okay because she knows who saves and she knows why. Lord, please forgive me for questioning her in an attempt from the enemy to plant doubt in my mind. Because You are the one who told us not to hinder the children from coming to You.

The angels are rejoicing. And so am I.